

Notice of a public meeting of:

Chief Officers Appointments and Disciplinary Committee


Councillors: Gareth Dadd, Michael Harrison, Carl Les, Janet Sanderson, John Weighell OBE, Mark Crane, Kevin Foster, Bryn Griffiths, Stuart Parsons and Steve Shaw-Wright.


Tuesday, 25th October, 2022


1.00 pm


Meeting in person at County Hall, Northallerton - meeting room 2







Election of a Chair



To elect a Chair for the duration of the meeting.





Exclusion of the public



Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of agenda item 6 on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006.





Minutes of the previous meeting

(Pages 3 - 4)


To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2022.





Declarations of Interest



To note any declarations of interest.





Public Questions and Statements



Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice and provided the text to Daniel Harry of Democratic Services (contact details below) no later than midday on Friday 21 October 2022. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:-


·         at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes); or

·         when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting.





To commence the recruitment process to vacant Chief Officer positions - Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Business Support)

(Pages 5 - 22)


To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Business Support).





Any other business which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances






Barry Khan

Assistance Chief Executive

(Legal and Democratic Services)


County Hall



17 October 2022




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